Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Intro

I love metal.  Metal is the best music ever created.  

 Like metal?  No?  Then you're an idiot, and your only hope is to pay close attention to this blog.  I'll give you salvation in the form of amazing bands, and with luck you will come to accept their greatness.  Your music sucks, and you need to realize how generic and shitty it all is.  

Even if you do like metal, there's still a chance you're a moron.  All these well-known bands like Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, etc. are bringing a bad name to the genre.  I'm not saying bands are lame because they're popular.  The popularity of these bands simply means that there are a lot more dumbasses out there than there are people with good taste.  Liking metal isn't good enough.  You have to like metal that isn't boring, stupid or annoying.  

I'm tolerant enough that I probably won't dislike you for listening to something other than metal.  There are two exceptions to this rule.  If you like emo or hardcore, I hate you.  There it is, simple as that.  I hate your style, you look ridiculous.  I hate your music, it's all the same and it's goddamn annoying.  Quit bitching, take out your stupid piercings, get a real goddamn haircut.  Christ.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sir, I commend you and all the good work that you do. I'm sure we all have notice the 'emo' problem, and hopefully many have noticed the Avenged Sevenfold etc problem. Yet, it shows true strength of spirit and mental fortitude to try to help these poor lost souls.