Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brand New Also Sucks

Jesus fucking Christ.  Brand New blows.  Heres proof of how much they suck: 

Brand New
Genre:  Shit

There you go!  Thats all you need to know.  Brand New brings a brand new meaning to the phrase "this band really sucks."  I was stuck in a car listening to this bullshit, and people were singing along, and it was terrible.  Whiny bullshit lyrics combined with boring instrumentals equals a stupidass band that everyone loves.  Holy shit.  I'm having a hard time explaining why Brand New is so bad.  Just listen to them.  And if you like them, that's terrible.  Seriously, it's a goddamn shame if you think any aspect of this band is good.  One of their songs is called "Good to Know That if I Ever Need Attention All I Have to do is Die."  Holy shit.  That should win an award for shittiest song title ever.  What's the award?  A brick through their window.  Goddammit.  I have no tolerance for shitty whiny bands like this one.  I seriously can't stand it.  
I don't understand why

A: They want to play this horseshit
B:  Some label liked it
C:  People listen to it
D:  People aren't throwing shit at the band
E:  This music is acceptable

I hate music like this.  I've heard a million bands that sound exactly the same.  Why are there so goddamn many, and why do people keep buying all their music?  What the fuck!  The last thing I want to hear is some random douchebag whining while his friends slowly learn how to unplay the guitar.  For those of you who didn't catch that, it was a Metalocalypse reference.  Also, I hate you.  Anyway, Brand New is still out there making music, and what I want to know is...


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