Monday, April 28, 2008

This is Very Important!

Listen to Kalmah.  Fuckin' do it.  They're an awesome Melodic Death band from Finland, which I guess applies to half the bands I listen to.  Their main strong points are really two really good guitarists and an equally good keyboard player.  Kalmah's style is fast yet still melodic and technical, and frequently kinda weird.  As in, they call themselves "Swamp Metal," and I can somehow feel that in a lot of their music.  You have to hear it to understand, so go out and make that happen.  

In addition, their new CD just came out, For the Revolution.  It's just as good as all their other shit and well worth the money I WOULD spend on it if I could find it in the US.  

Anyway, back to the actual music.  The vocals aren't too impressive, but the music wouldn't be nearly as good without them.  They're definitely acceptable considering Pekka Kokko sings them while busting out awesome guitar riffs at the same time.  And the lead guitarist is even better.  The keyboards serve mainly to accentuate the guitar, the awesomeness of which is proven by this equation:

Awesome guitar + Awesome keyboards = The Best Music Ever

Your music has neither.  Thus it blows.  Kalmah has both, all the time.  Fuckin' right.  


Unknown said...

how did i miss a new Kalmah album? I must have it.

Kalmah's guitar solo off "The Blind Leader" (They Will Return is what i use to convince people how badass the band is, beginning of the solo sounds like a fucking air raid siren :D

Anonymous said...

"They're an awesome Melodic Death band from Finland, which I guess applies to half the bands I listen to."

The other half are from sweden, amiright?